Important - PATIENT NOTICE: From Monday 30th September, our Prescriptions phoneline opening hours will be changing to 09:30am to 12:00pm.

Chilcote Surgery

Hampton Avenue, St. Marychurch, Torquay, TQ1 3LA

Telephone: 01803 316333

Sorry, we're closed

104 Chatto Road, Torquay, TQ1 4HY

Heatwave Guide

Have you considered the problems that can occur during a heatwave? Many of us rarely even consider this as we feel heatwaves are so rare in the United Kingdom.  That makes us even less prepared when they do occur!

The NHS have issued a Guide to Heatwaves which you can view online or download using the following links…

Download or view the NHS Heatwave Guide in a new browser window

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open at 8am
  • Tuesday
    07:30am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open at 8am
  • Wednesday
    07:30am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open at 8am
  • Thursday
    07:30am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open at 8am
  • Friday
    07:30am to 06:00pm
    Phone lines open at 8am
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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